Tuesday, November 20, 2012

To smoke, or not to smoke... That's not the question.

I am going to have to stop reading posts on facebook!  I don't find it useful to attack others' opinions, especially strangers who I know nothing about, but I am finding it hard to keep my mouth shut on several issues.  There is always someone arguing the evilness of WalMart or the "right" way to raise children.  I am a stay-at-home mom of four because my husband has a great job at WalMart.  These things hit home.  I know these are just opinions, and often, they are from extremists.  So I bite my tongue and try to forget the comments.  But today, I have gotten so riled up, I need to vent.  So I am going to choose to write about something that can make a difference.

Our town is in the midst of a clean air debate.  There are many looking for the city council to pass a smoking ban on public places.  Currently there are several restaurants in town that already offer a non-smoking environment, but there are many that still have smoking sections.  As with any debate, you have two sides.  I am on the side for clean air.

I have been amazed at the arguments people have posted against Clean Air.  One particularly offensive man made several posts about things he thought should be "band".  Those included buffets (because "fat pigs stuffing their faces" made him sick), potatoes (because they make people fat) and kids under five in all public places (because he can't stand smelly, screaming kids that don't mind).  Another guy said he smokes and he should have that right just like you should have the right to have a drink, and that everyone who supports it is crazy.  Seriously? Do the people who wrote these really think the goal is banning things we don't like? Obviously they are totally missing the point.  You can't get drunk just from standing next to someone.  Alcohol doesn't enter your body through the air you breathe.  And, the debate isn't about smoking or not smoking, its about where to smoke. 

We have all been informed of the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke, so I won't go into that. I appreciate not smelling like smoke after I go out to eat.  While in college, I loved to play pool.  My friends and I would spend lots of time at pool halls, which allowed smoking.  I would have to do laundry more frequently just to keep the smokey smell out of the dorm room.   It didn't bother me as much then, but now that I have experienced non-smoking establishments, I am hooked.   We went to a birthday party in a bar a few weeks ago and spent several hours there.  I was glad I didn't come home smelling of smoke.  It's amazing how quickly the smell of smoke can permeate your clothing and how long it can last.  Jackson went to a restaurant with a smoking section for lunch a couple of days ago.  He sat in the non-smoking section and was only there for an hour.  5 hours later, he came home, and I could smell the smoke on him.

Many people who are against the ban claim the fear of loss of business.  I will admit, I have not done my research, and don't have the time to do it at the moment.  Someone did post a link that supported the increase of business after smoking bans, but I have not looked at it.  My past experience tells me that it could definitely help business.  There have been countless times I have gone to restaurants and waited for non-smoking seating while there are numerous spots available in the smoking section.  More tables seated= more revenue, right?  Who hasn't left a restaurant and headed to another to avoid a long wait?  Places like bowling alleys, and maybe even pool halls, could see more business from families who avoid the smoking establishments for the health of their young children.

The thing that bothers me the most about the debates I read online, is the way people choose to argue their opinion; by attacking others and being offensive.  I shared some of the comments above to show how offensive some people can be.  Name calling and insults are not effective arguing techniques.  Though I disagreed with many of the opponents, I tried to state my reasons without attacking anyone.  I cannot say that I have never said someone who had differing opinions was crazy or nuts.  I just read the post Jackson and caught myself saying, "Isn't that guy crazy?"  I would never say that to his face, or post it on a public forum, though.  I just wish people would show some respect.  You are much more likely to have your opinions heard if you share them in a respectful way.       


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