Saturday, November 23, 2013

Every year, on November 1st, Facebook is inundated with posts for 30 days of thanksgiving.  So many of my friends and acquaintances participate.  I have never.

I found myself thinking this year... Is it difficult to come up with something you are thankful for every day for 30 days without repeating?  Though the challenge still wasn't enough to make me post on Facebook, I am going to post my list of 30 right here.

  1. God's amazing grace.  Even though I know I don't deserve it, I also know it is there, saving me all of those times I fall.
  2. My grandparents.  They have always been so giving of their time, resources and love.  I was fortunate to live very close to both sets growing up.
  3. My mom.  We talk nearly every day.  She understands the challenges I face in motherhood.
  4. My dad.  Always thinking of me, and how he can help me out in life.  
  5. Jamin, my brother.  "They say I have autism, and I like it that way."  Without his special needs, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
  6. Susana, my sister.  We shared a room(and often a bed, even though she had her own) growing up and have a great bond now.  I couldn't imagine life without her.
  7. Jackson, my husband, partner and friend. 
  8. Grayson, Camden, Madalynn, and Paxton, my children.  Even though they are often the source of my craziness, I love them dearly.  I told them last night that they made my dreams come true.  I always wanted to be a mother, and am so glad that I am.
  9. My dear friends.  Those people that I talk with often, people who brighten my day, people who I can pick up where I left off no matter how long we have been apart.
  10. Casual friends and acquaintances.  They may not be those I run to in a time of need, but I am thankful to know them.  We can have fun, chat, and quite possibly may become much closer.
  11. WalMart.  Yes, that's right, I am thankful for WalMart.  It has provided Jackson with a stable job for 15 years.  It has paid our bills, given us insurance, and allowed us to have met many wonderful people.  Not to mention the always low prices!
  12. Our vehicles.  I was fortunate to always have a car, but Jackson spent quite a while without one in college.  He was always able to catch a ride, often with me, but I am thankful that we have transportation.  
  13. Our church.  We have so many great friends and opportunities for learning and fellowship through our church.  Wonderful things for the children as well.
  14. MSSU.  I learned so many things in college, and not just educational things.  I met Jackson on the first day, and developed many lasting friendships.  I also got the opportunity to study abroad and take some amazing trips.
  15. My jobs.  Though I don't really like to work... I would much rather be home with the kids.  The many jobs I have had have provided "fun money" throughout the years. 
  16. Our house.  Our realtor was about to tell us she wouldn't help us find a house after looking at over 50.  The funny part was, we had searched in another town, probably the same number of houses, before we found out we were moving here.  This house isn't perfect, but it meets our needs pretty well, better than any of the other houses we looked at.
  17. The computer.  It can be a tremendous time waster, but also a great learning tool, a way to keep in touch and a simplifier of life. 
  18. Facebook.  Without it, I might never see the kids of my long, lost friends.  I might not know what my past friends were up to.  I can keep up with close and distant relatives without just hoping they will send me a Christmas card once a year. 
  19. The sky.  So much beauty, countless hours of entertainment.  Watching clouds, sunsets(not many sunrises, I am not a morning person), meteor showers, eclipses, and the list could go on.
  20. Phones.  I don't know what I would do without being able to call people anytime I wanted, or needed.
  21. Music.  I have passed many hours traveling, trying to sleep, just being bored with music.  I also love to sing.  
  22. Heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer.  
  23. Running water.  I have had a few, brief times without water.  I would not like to live without it, and feel very blessed that I have running water in my home.
  24. Creative minds.  I'm always amazed at what great, creative minds can think up.  I often find myself thinking, How did someone come up with this?  Art, entertainment, inventions... They make our life richer.
  25. Sense of humor.  It would be hard to live life without one.  Some of the toughest moments as parents can often be helped with a good laugh.  For all of the madness my kids bring about, I bet there is at least 5 times more laughter.  We have a lot of fun in our house! We once read a study about the lack of laughter in adults.  Jackson and I came to the conclusion that participants of that particular study must not have kids.
  26. Volunteers.  I have been involved in several different groups that need volunteers.  It can be so hard to find someone willing to commit to giving their time. 
  27. Cameras.  Without them I may forget those precious moments of life that have passed by.
  28. Difficulties and disappointments.  Life is not perfect, and though I may not be thankful at the time, the more difficult times in my life have provided me with many lessons to learn from and the perspective I need to be grateful for all my many blessings.
  29. Quiet moments.  In a house with 4 kids, tv or music is often on, kids are fighting or crying, or both.  I am thankful for those moments when there is no noise.
  30. Teachers.  Those who have taught me, and those who teach my children.  School and Sunday School.  They spend so many hours preparing, add to their school budget with their own money, give of their time and their hearts.  

So here is my list.  30 things I am thankful for right at this point in my life.  I know this list will grow and change.  Hopefully we all take time to be thankful throughout the year and not just in November.

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