Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"31 Chairs"

When talking about cleaning and organizing, my mom would always bring up the FlyLady.  My sister and I would roll our eyes and move on with the conversation.  Yea, yea, FlyLady... what really does she have to offer?  For some reason, I decided to look her up.  I wouldn't consider myself a "Flybaby", but she definitely has some great ideas on getting your house in shape.  I signed up for the FlyLady Digest e-mails and read them every once in a while.  Today was one of those days.

I was struck by an entry entitled "31 Chairs".  Quick summary, it was a letter from a woman who was decluttering her house an item at a time.  She said she counted this weekend and she had 31 chairs in her 7 person household.  I was shocked!  31 chairs!  That seemed like a lot to me... until I counted my own.

We have six people in our family, but the baby only just started sitting up this month.  Our list of chairs~

1 in the family room 
1 in the living room
8 dining table chairs
1 high chair
4 dinette chairs
2 child's rocking chairs
3 desk chairs
2 chairs for a child size table
2 child's painted wooden chairs
1 bent wood chair that belonged to my great grandma
1 flip chair
1 bean bag chair

27 total inside the house!  That doesn't even count the 6 or 7 camp chairs and 4 patio chairs.  I'm not sure if the other lady counted things like high chairs and bean bag chairs, but still, I have a lot of chairs!  Way more than I thought.  The difference between the "Flybaby" and I?  She got rid of 10... I will be keeping my 27.  Maybe some day I will rid myself of a few chairs, but until then... I need to get to sitting. 

And since I borrowed her e-mail, I had better give you the link for the FlyLady.

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