Monday, June 16, 2014

Garage Sale Success

I took a full van load down to my sister's a few weeks ago.  Loaded the thing up! Her garage was stuffed full of her things no longer needed after merging her house with her husband's.  She also had a couple of friends who brought things by.  We had a huge sale!

We spent most of a Saturday selling our cast offs.  I wasn't too impressed with the amount of money I made.  I was hoping for grand numbers, not the measly $150 I managed to sell.  My sister did much better, and I was a little envious, until I really started thinking about what I had accomplished.

Obviously, I had $150 more than I had the day before.  But the real satisfaction came when I realized I was free from a ton of stuff...  A full van plus 3 small boxes I took the night before the sale.  I came back home with 2 and 1/2 totes and a couple of bigger toys.  That is it.  Everything I brought home fit in the back of my van! 

It also felt great to know I had helped others with my stuff.  One man had 5 kids and said he wanted every pair of tennis shoes that could possibly fit them.  A woman came by wanting to make a deal on shoes.  I was hesitant because I wanted the most I could possibly get for them, they were still in good shape!  She told me she needed them cheap because she was shipping them to Africa.  Knowing that the things I sold were going to good use, made it worth selling dirt cheap.  Sure I didn't make as much money as I had hoped, but I am pretty sure I made a difference to someone.

If nothing else, I know I made a difference for our family.  We still have a way more than we need, but we are down a van-ful, and that feels great!

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