Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year-New You

There is something refreshing about starting a new year.  It gives you a fresh start to change all of those bad habits and make the most of the coming year.

My inbox and junk mailbox has been overrun with messages about healthier eating, exercising, Bible reading, and organizing.

Lose 5 pounds in six weeks!
Top 10 ways to eat healthier!
20 ways to organize!
3 ways to make the Bible the focus this year!
Groupon- personal trainer deals! 

And it goes on and on.  It might take all year just to add all of the ways to do this and that.

There are always going to be new and improved ways you can better your physical and spiritual self.  These things are only as good as the effort you put into it, though.  How many times have I thought, This year is going to be different.  This year I am going to stick to my... diet, reading plan, exercise goals, (insert your thing here)?  It seems like I always think that this year will be different, this year will be better than last.  Then on December 31, I find it hard to remember my goals I set in place 364 days ago.  Sometimes I can't even remember goals I set a month ago.  Life takes over. 

I wrote before that I don't really believe in New Years resolutions, and that is still the case.  So, instead of making a list of things I won't even remember,  I am going to keep moving, keep living and keep letting life take over.  In the end, it won't matter if I reached all of those goals in the next year, but it will matter that I played play-doh with my 1-year-old, I let my 3-year-old help me with the cooking, I watched a movie with my 6-year-old, and I took time to look at the car my 9-year-old just got on his video game.  I may not remember my goals for 2014, but they will remember that I spent time with them.  To me, that is the best way to make this new year count.

Side note... I will continue to make goals and strive to meet those, they just won't be the focus of my new year.

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