Monday, June 18, 2012

"I don't understand the quick clean."

I have developed a system that I use with the kids... the quick clean.  I am sure I am not the first to think of this, in fact Fly Lady suggest you work for 15 minutes on a task and quit when the timer goes off.  Who knows?  I may have stolen the idea from her.  I don't have a specific time limit though.  I just go by what I feel, might be 10 min., might be 30.  Last night, Jackson made the comment that not one inch of the house was clean.  We had been really busy doing lots of fun Father's Day things.  So I suggested a 20 minute quick clean. 

We usually do this while Jackson is not home.  Most often it is to clean up after the day so it will look presentable when he comes home.  I set the timer and the whole family works for the entire time.  Sometimes if the kids are struggling keeping on task, I add minutes.  Before I start the timer, I often give them a list of expectations and even some specific jobs for the younger ones.  Most often I tell them the floor has to be ready to be vacuumed by the end of the timer.  Usually there is a reward at the end, like staying up to watch a show or play a game.   

I knew this would be a challenge for Jackson.  He believes in starting in one room and completely finishing that room before you move on.  I explain the idea behind the quick clean...  Do tasks you can complete quickly, putting things where they belong.  This quick clean was to straighten the living room, family room and kitchen.  We sometimes work on only the upstairs, or only the kitchen, even the backyard or the car... whatever needs cleaned up quickly.  The timer provides a definite end for the kids, and it's almost like a game. 

The quick clean begins and Jackson goes to work in the living room.  The timer ticking away... We even add 5 minutes when the kids start fighting and stop cleaning.  The timer goes off  and I walk into the living room to find the coffee table by the front door, the love seat in front of the coffee table, the ottoman up on the chair and Jackson on his hands and knees where the love seat is supposed to be.  I try to explain to him that you don't clean behind or under furniture in a quick clean, but he says it needed to be done.  1 hour later, he finally finishes the living room! 

The plan was to finish the quick clean, get baths and showers and then watch a show we had recorded about dangerous stunts.  Had we stuck to the plan, it would have been about 8 when we started the show.  We couldn't watch it until the living room was put back together, so we didn't start it until after 9!  All Jackson could say... "I don't understand the quick clean".        

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