Camden asked for an egg sandwich today, and we were out of eggs. I told him I would pick some up after our first soccer game of the season, and he could have a sandwich for lunch.
On our way home, I ran in the grocery store. I was greeted by some Boy and Girl Scouts. They were "Scouting for Food". They gave me a list of things that were most needed in our local food pantry, and I quickly went on my way to grab the eggs. I was in there to get in and get out.
I was almost at the back of the store when I decided to pick up a gallon of milk, as well. So I have my eggs in one hand, my milk in the other and pass by a Velveeta display with a coupon for $1.00 off a package. Knowing I have a recipe that I have all of the ingredients for in my cabinet, except the Velveeta, I picked it up, too.
That's when I see the shells and cheese. I think about all of the hungry families, and how much my kids love the creaminess of Velveeta shells and cheese, and decide to add one of those to my precariously stacked groceries in my arms. One box is really all I could carry, $2.49 was the price.
I felt a little chintzy with my one box of food as I handed it to the scouts, especially when the guy before me handed them two bags full. But really, it was all I could carry at that moment, and I was in a rush while the family waited outside.
After I returned home, it struck me... What if every family who walked in the store today gave one item? It only added $2.50 to my bill. It would almost go unnoticed when added to a $50 grocery bill. But to a family who has nothing, it could provide a meal. There were no fewer than 10 people in line when I was there, and I was in the store for less than 10 minutes. Imagine if 60 people per hour donated 1 item. Canned food is less than a dollar, boxed dinners less than two. Minimal increase in your grocery bill, but it could make a huge difference!
From now on, I will make an effort to buy at least one of the much needed items on my regular shopping trips. Please consider joining me!