Wednesday, September 10, 2014


We had only been married for a year or two when I decided to ask Jackson why he loved me.   He thought about it for much longer than I thought he should, and all he came up with was because he married me. 

What?  You married me because you love me, not the other way around! 

Fortunately for him, I didn't get angry, or hurt, I just laughed.  I know he's not always great with using words to express his feelings.  He most often chooses the funny cards over the heart-felt cards(though, in recent years, he's become very good at choosing cards that make me teary).  He isn't like my first boyfriend who was constantly writing love letters and poems.  So, I laughed.  We continue to laugh about this, and he has yet to tell me a reason why he loves me.

Last month though, I realized how often he tells me how much he loves me without using words.  Who knew he could express his love in something as simple as a number?

Back in college, our Christian Campus Ministry had an intramural soccer team.  The guys decided to make jerseys out of blue camouflage t-shirts and spray paint.  Jackson took the job of spray painting the numbers on the shirts.  We had a group of girls who were dating the guys, and they decided to make the girlfriends' shirts with negative numbers.  At the time, neither one of us was dating anyone significant, and he asked me if I would be his fan.  When he was getting everyone's numbers, I told him he should choose number 9.  I always chose it because Nine is my mom's maiden name.  So he was 9 and I was -9. 

Since, he has chosen #9 for different sports he's played and encouraged our children to choose #9 when they have the chance.  I never really thought too much about the significance of it until he was signed up to play in this year's alumni soccer game.  I didn't give any thought to what number he would be, but as I was sitting there watching, and saw him come onto the field in the #9 jersey,  knowing(without him telling me) that he chose that number because of its meaning to me and our family, I couldn't help but smile. 

He doesn't have to come up with lists of reasons why he loves me.  He doesn't have to write love letters and poems.  Choosing a number is enough.  And, I will do my best to always remember it.