I have to start by saying my sweet sister called at the beginning of January to apologize for not thinking of me when setting her wedding date. Don't be silly, I said. I was the last person she should be thinking of. The date was set to March 15.
Fast forward to the beginning of February. This begins a six-week birthday extravaganza. All four of our children were born in the six weeks between February 1 and March 11(or really 5 1/2 weeks). It was not planned this way. 3 of the 4 we were hoping for fall babies, but this is how it turned out. It also seems to rival the six weeks before Christmas for being our busiest time of year. This year even more so.
The first weekend of February brought the first two birthdays. We had some family friends over for dinner to celebrate with the two little ones. Madalynn's party with friends would be the next weekend. Then came the snowstorm. We still had 3-4 inches of snow on the ground, and got 8 more. Which meant several snow days. You would think all that time off would have us working on Valentine's boxes, but I didn't think that far in advance(I would regret not thinking later).
The kids went back to school Friday. Madalynn and I left at noon to head to St. Louis for the first of the bridal showers. We had a great time, but made it home just in time for my nursery duties at church. The rest of the day was spent at basketball game, party prep and party. I should add, while I was gone Jackson took the big boys to Monster Jam and they had the Pinewood Derby, Super Science Saturday and a birthday party for one of Gray's friends.
The next week brought decisions about a BoxTop contest(deadline is fast approaching). I had to get notes made and sent home. I was the default homeroom parent for Camden's class, so notes went home about the Valentine's party. Valentine boxes had to be made and cards bought and filled out. Throw in our serving week at Wednesday night church... we had to provide a dessert. I subbed Thursday all-day and Friday morning. Valentine party Friday. Weight-lifting meet Saturday morning, bachelorette party Saturday night. Made it home Sunday just in time to pick the kids up from church, run to the last basketball game for Camden, then home for one hour. Next was Grayson's basketball tournament. 2 games for him.
We had the first two days of school off this week. This weekend will be the trip back home for 2 more bridal showers. One that I am hosting, I do have lots of help though! Plus wedding crafting. Jackson and Gray will head to Tulsa for Super Start with our church. I will take the other three with me. I am thinking I probably won't be home until bedtime for the kids on Sunday(8:30). After they go to bed I will have to prepare a note to go home with the school kids about the used book exchange I am in charge of.
Camden's party is still in the works, but his birthday is this week. Grayson has opted for a bigger gift and no party, which works for me since his birthday is only 4 days before the wedding. The first weekend in March brings the deadline for BoxTops, so somewhere in the midst of all this planning and running I will have to make time to count, sort and mail those. Last time we brought in 4000! Jackson will take the older boys to Roaring River State Park for the opening day of trout season, too.
The second weekend in March is somewhat unknown as of right now. Basketball is over. The trips will be finished. BoxTops will be mailed. It will be time for last minute wedding prep. Hopefully I won't still have to find shoes to go with my dress! This is the week of the book exchange, so I will be sorting books and preparing for that. Hoping it goes off without a hitch!
Friday starts hard-core wedding prep. Maybe a manicure. Last minute details. Rehearsal dinner. And then the big day. The biggest day of all!
I am reminding myself to breathe in this post. Reminding myself to stop and take a moment. People always say I need to make time for myself, but sometimes it seems a breath is all I have time for. When April comes and this busy time is over, I will look back and wonder how it went by so quickly, just as I always do the week after Christmas. That is the crummy part about being busy. You run and run and run, and when its over, you wonder how you got there so fast.
I am not sure it could get any crazier, but I love it! I am so blessed to have my family.